Cat's eye gemstone is an instant
working stone due to its association with vengeful planet Ketu. It is popular
about ketu that if it suits an individual can fulfill all his/her dreams and
aspirations. Whereas, if it does not suit an individual can evoke disruptive
powers in his/her life and make his/her life hell.
Therefore, be cautious while
wearing ketu endorsed cat's eye stone. Some people think of wearing used cat's
eye stone to please lord Ketu; but, they should not perform any such experiment
because it can do lots of damage in your life. Therefore, one should not ever
wear used cat eye gemstone. However, some people argue that why can't they wear
already used gemstones? And, doubt that even gemstones seller often sells used
gemstones. So why shouldn't they adopt used stones considering the low cost and
easy availability of it?
Yes, it is true that there are
several gem dealers who have indulged in malpractice and cheat unaware
customers by selling them already used stones. However, on the basis of above
revelation, wrong does not become right. It is erroneous to sell someone
already used gemstones because it can affect their lives adversely.
Secondly, those who claim that
wearing used stones does not bring any adverse effects and it is fine to
continue wearing used stones. According to us, they don't about astrology and
stones, and they should refrain from misguiding people to make quick money.
If they claim that they have deep
knowledge about gemstones and astrology, then, they must be aware of the
lifetime of a stone.
A gemstone has fixed life for
instance: 3 to 4-years maximum and after it, they lose their magical
effects. Moreover, a used gemstone would
already be worn by someone. So, all the magical powers of that stone would have
been spent on the well-being of that person and gemstone would have
become inefficient.
Therefore, wearing that used
gemstone will bring no fruits to the wearer. Thus, whether it is cat's eye
stone or any other stone, one should not get influenced by others and should
only opt for unused and natural stones.